How to use WeTransfer
By Preflight Books
How to use WeTransfer

WeTransfer is a website that allows you to temporarily share files or folders with others. Let’s take a look at how to use WeTransfer.

Google search page with WeTransfer typed in.

Step 1

Type ‘WeTransfer’ into Google. Click on the first link that pops up.

When you click on the link, you will be taken to WeTransfer’s home screen.

WeTransfer home page

Step 2

At the top of the box, you will see an ‘upload files’ option, click on the plus button on the left of it.

Computer browser showing folders you want to upload

Step 3

The browser for your computer documents will pop up. Go to the file you want to upload and click on it. The files name should be displaying in the textbox at the bottom, like in the example shown below. Then click on the open button

WeTransfer website with arrow showing where to click to upload more files

Step 4

If you want to add another file or folder, click on the + button on the left of ‘Add more files’. You will then receive 2 options this is where you pick whether you want to upload a file or a folder.

Computer browser open on file

Step 5

Your computer browser will open again and then you can select the second folder or file you want to upload.

WeTransfer website showing all your uploaded folders

Step 6

Now you can see all the files or folders you have uploaded so far. You can continue to add more if you wish to do so.

WeTransfer website with 'send email transfer' selected

Step 7

Now that you have all the files or folders you want to upload, you can click on the 3 dots in the left corner. 2 Options will appear: ‘Send email transfer’ or ‘Get transfer link’.

Step 8 (Generate a link):

When you click the ‘Get a Link’ button, a link will be generated that you can copy. Then you can send this link to people to download the files or folders you uploaded. Please take note that the link will expire in 1 week and the link to your uploads will no longer work. But the people that downloaded your files will still have them on their computers.

We transfer website with generated link

Anyone that you send the link to will now be able to open it (either by clicking it or copying the link and pasting it into Google).

WeTransfer website with download button for files

The link will send you back to the WeTransfer website and you will now be able to download the files.

If you want to make sure all the files are there, you can click on the preview button and a screen will appear on the right side that shows you all the files.

WeTransfer website with 'Preview' button pressed along with preview

Click on the download button to open your computer browser so that you can choose where you want it to be saved on your computer. Note that it is a zip file you will be downloading.

Computer browser
Computer browser with 'Extract All...' button encircled

Now you can go to where you saved the file on your computer and right-click on it then select ‘Extract All…’

Window with 'Select a destination and Extract Files'

A window will pop up that asks for the location you want the file extracted. You can save it in the same place (highlighted link stays the same) or save it to a different location (by clicking on ‘Browse…’). When you’re done click on Extract.

Computer browser showing extracted files

And now as you will see all the files will be there where you extracted them.

WeTransfer website with your email address filled in along with who you want to send it to

Step 8 (Email option):

If you prefer to send an email transfer, you can check the ‘Send email transfer’. Fill in the person or people you want to send the files to and then fill in your own email address. When you’re done, click on the transfer button.

After hitting transfer this screen will pop up. You will receive an email with a unique number to verify that it is your email. Go into your email and copy the number and paste it into the ‘Enter verification code’ textbox. Click the ‘Verify’ button at the bottom when you’re done.

WeTransfer 'Verify your email' screen
Email from WeTransfer with your verification code
WeTransfer screen that displays 'You're done!'

When you type in the verification code and select verify this screen should pop up.

You will then be notified via email that the files have been sent, as well as when the people who you sent them to, download the files.

Email confirming that the file has been sent
Email notifying you that someone downloaded your file

Now you know how WeTransfer works! We have tons of other helpful tips on our blog, so feel free to go through our other articles. You can also click here to get a quote or email us at and we will assist with all your publishing needs.

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