What is a Preflight Books Basic Manuscript Assessment?
By Preflight Books
What is a Basic Manuscript Assessment?

A basic manuscript assessment is an evaluation of the author’s manuscript to determine the extent of work that is required to turn the manuscript into a book. Once the assessment is complete, a price is calculated, and a detailed, itemised quote is sent to the author.

You can either request a quote via the website quote form, or via email or phone. If you request a quote via email or phone, we will send you a customer information sheet. These forms help us to learn more about your manuscript and what services you require.

Our services include:

  • Editing
  • Cover design
  • Layout
  • Blurb
  • ISBN
  • Illustrations
  • Proofreading
  • E-book
  • Printing

As well as other services like translation, transcription, ghost writing, marketing workshops, website design and much more.

Manuscript assessment for fiction

We will request a brief description of the manuscript from the creator in the customer information sheet or quote form. Once we have this, we will conduct the assessment. Details of the manuscript will be recorded, such as:

  • Number of pages
  • Number of chapters
  • Word count
  • Genre

We rate attributes of the story and language and record recommendations for further improvement of the work. Once this is complete, we will provide an appropriate quote to publish the work.

Manuscript assessment for non-fiction

Like fictional works, a description from the creator and details of the manuscript will be recorded in the assessment. Textual elements will be rated and recorded, such as:

  • Conventions
  • Structure and consistency
  • Referencing and factuality
  • Ethical concerns

We also assess the language and include recommendations to improve the manuscript. Once this is complete, we will provide an appropriate quote to publish the work.

Preflight Books completes this assessment for every quotation request we receive. We need at least a 10-page sample of your work to do this. Basic manuscript assessments and quotation usually take up to 5 working days. Our basic manuscript assessments are absolutely free! If you want a detailed assessment of your work, consider asking for a Full Manuscript Assessment in your quote request.

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