Writing For Your Genre

Writing For Your Genre

Different genres have different expectations from their readers. For these expectations to be met, the author must follow certain rules to satisfy the readers. Let’s look at how you should be writing for your genre. Fiction In fantasy novels, readers heavily rely on...
Colour Psychology in Covers

Colour Psychology in Covers

The first thing someone sees when they have a look at your book is the cover. This is the very first chance you have, to make a good impression, which is why it is very important to do it right. Colour psychology in covers, is an effective marketing tool that will...
The parts of a book

The parts of a book

How well do you know the different parts of your book? Well, if you think you know what headbands, spines and signatures are, you can think again! Here’s a basic breakdown on the parts of a book: Board Board is the thick cardboard under the paper or cloth covering on...